Amset ceremony Details and listening... | |
Ascension Ont he first CD we can listen to the vibrations of the Sun, the Sirius and the solar system's planets. On the seckond CD the coonection of the further cosmos's and the human appears. In the last to movements fractal music of all the informations can be heard. With the increasment of our attention units we can step into a highe conciousness level. We may rise. Details and listening... | |
Flow The flaw's law: Let it go!-receive it!-Live through it!-Keep it moving! It is what we're listmning to so our intention creates this present's reality.It depends on us in what kind of flow we're in and taking part as nothing happenes to us that we didn't let to happen. This law is also the law of 'lIFE" inwhich we live through different flows from the heartbeat till our last breath. Details and listening... | |
Hard times improvizációs zenei üzenet Details and listening... | |
Hungarian Crowning relics These relics are not only jewels but considerable manifestations of the Hungarian nationalities' spiritual development. They were united with their symbolism in the course of the history it antient-hungarian and Christ energies, which served as his help to our folk's mission, These energies are appearing in our age again, which vibrations can be heard on this CD, that uniforms us, let us be allowed to become strong to the next section of our growing. Details and listening... | |
Hungarian Folk Songs on the Violin You can listen to 30 wonderful Hungarian folk songs with original and improvisative ornaments by the violinist Imre Marosfalvi and his accompaniment. Details and listening... | |
Message of angels Details and listening... | |
Mystery Initiation Details and listening... | |
Passion / Requiem Details and listening... | |
Present Music Monologues 1-4. Details and listening... | |
Secret of the Hungary's shrines series "What kind of secret does the stone preserve? In which age was the creation born, from when does it carry it's secret message? For what reason was it made, what does it want to tell us so loud? Is there an absolut truth int he stone? Can it be solved? Over ten thousand years backwords from the XIV. century in time and from Egypt to Pilis through cosmical space. As if the stone would say with it's own steadfast and wisdom: I am the trouth!" Details and listening... | |
Soul-mirror Color-sound, tone - meditation music Details and listening... | |
Star-man Details and listening... | |
The Crystal Skull begins to sound Crystals are not merely stones, but collections of the informations of a millions of years. The past and the future preserve it into them his closed consciousness. The crystal skull the celestial one and the opportunity of the communications of the earthly cultures carries it alone. On this CD the first and the last movement shows the activation of the crystal skull, the contact displays his dismolition. Ourselves may catch messages for him in the rest of the movements. Details and listening... | |
The harmony of the Universe Details and listening... | |
The Key of Eternal Creation The chanting of sacred geometry Details and listening... | |
The Nine Recognitions Musical vibration codes based on The Celestine Prophecy Musical vibrational codes based on the world famous book "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. Details and listening... |